Saturday, August 2, 2008



The Internet is a seamless network of communication lines connecting hardware and software across the world using communication protocol to exchange information . The Internet links are the computer networks all over the world so that users can share resources and communicate with each other . Internet is the tool that will take you beyond telephones , faxes , and isolated computers to a burgeoning networked information frontier .The Internet supplements the traditional tools you use to gather information , Data Graphics, News and correspond with other people.
What is the Internet?
The Internet links are computer networks all over the world so that users can share resources and communicate with each other. The Internet is what we call a metanetwork, that is, a network of networks that spans the globe. It's impossible to give an exact count of the number of networks or users that comprise the Internet, but it is easily in the thousands and millions respectively .The Internet is also what we call a distributed system; there is no central archives. Technically, no one runs the Internet. Rather, the Internet is made up of
thousands of smaller networks.
History & Development of Internet
Internet was originally conceived by the Department of Defense as a way to protect government communications systems in the event of a military strike. The original network, dubbed ARPANet (Advanced Research Projects Agency ) evolved into a communications channel among contractors, military personnel, and university researchers. The network employed a set of standard protocols to create an effective way for these people to communicate and share data with each other. By the
late 1980's,thousands of cooperating networks were participating in the Internet.In1991' the U.S. high performance computing act established the NREN (national research & education network).Internet has been improved through the developments of such services as gopher and the world wild web .
Browser/server security information- for reading all header and Javascript information available from web page or your browser
Web browser – Mozilla firefox, Netscape ,internet explorer,etc
Web content analysis -complex analysis of a web page content. Highly recommended for web developers.
Web Traffic analysis - Tons of information about site popularity on the Internet (historical traffic, ranking, page views and more). Highly recommended for web marketing!
Geographical IP look up- it shows ability to find geographical location based on IP address. It displays interactive map with address information.


Key Features
Geographic Distribution
Robust Architecture
Near Light Speed
Universal Access
Internet Growth Rates
The Digital Advantage
Freedom Of Speech

Key Web Features
Ease Of Use
Universal Access
Search Capabilities

Key features of Email
Email is push technology
Email waits for you
Email is one-to-many
Email is almost free

Key Usenet Newsgroups Features
Group Communications
Common Space


WWW( world wide web)-The World Wide Web (also referred to as WWW or W3) is the fastest growing area of the Internet. Documents on the WWW include text, images, video, and audio for a very exciting presentation. People who create WWW documents often include a photograph of themselves along with detailed professional information and personal interests.
E-Mail (electronic mail) -E-mail is an asynchronous form of communication, meaning that the person whom you want to read your message doesn't have to be available at the precise moment you send your message. This is a great convenience for both you and the recipient.

FTP(File Transfer Protocol) -To do FTP, a user invokes one of two commands: get the command for transferring a file from another server to your own computer.
put the command for moving a file from your computer to another one.
Resources available
Public domain
SMTP(Simple-Mail Transfer Protocol)
Network news
Search Engines

Web browsers
Any kind of information you can search on Internet


Excessive use causes health hazards .
Cyber crime.
Fraudulent(deceitful) information.
Provides virtual society,but human being remains isolated in his small rooms.
Wastage of time due to chat like services.
Viruses, worm,etc , may damage data and information.

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