In 20,Nov 2009 our college genesis is begin so Linux User Group (LUG ) conduct two events
Workshop on FOSS & LINUX QUIZ . First off all our workshop is begin at 9.00am and Dr. H.S.Rai give Presentation on FOSS.
Introduction to FOSS:-
FOSS is an open source software that is being used n linux operating system . A seminar on FOSS was held ,that was presented by Dr. Hardeep Singh Rai. He was presenting many effective information on open source software and systems specially on foss. According to them with the help of these open source softwares and system we can developed a new system that is according to our requirements and needs. Through , the help of the open source softwares we can develop our country in many assepts of information technology.
There was a open discussion on FOSS . Dr.Hardeep Singh Rai and Ajay Shiv Sharma was the in discussion . They were presented their views about these concepts that how to use these open source systems and modify them according to our needs.
Also there was a questioner on foss and linux operating system. In this module there is question about open source system and the audience presented there was trying to answer these questions and also there was gift on behalf of these questions. We gain knowledge about these open source system a lot.
Then, after the seminar on foss ,a workshop on drupal will conducted . In this workshop we work on Drupal (open soure) .Our lecturer Ajay Shiv Sharma was giving a lecture on this that how we work on drupal. He also giving information about DRUPAL which is also an open source software and we make a wonderful website by using drupal. In this module we install Drupal in our machines with some commands that are related to it .We follow the instructions of our lecturer and install it in our machines.
Through drupal we develop websites which is very effective and it includes all the content that a website can have.
We can learn how to make websites through there systems.
There was group of some students that work according to the instructions of lecturer that can handle all this work .
Linux quiz:-
At the end of this module of workshop, a quiz on linux and FOSS can de presented . In this quiz questions wiil be asked from the student who attend this whole module of linux. Many of students can participate in this quiz. Special prizes will be given to those students who win this quiz and also those students who work well in work shop any this community .
At end we are deeply thankful to our lecturers Ajay Shiv Sharma and Dr. Hardeep Singh Rai . With the help our teacher we succeeded in our goal of informing students about the open source system.
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